
WHO/Catharina De Kat-Reynen

WHO/Europe's work in the area of vaccines and immunization is guided by the European Vaccine Action Plan (EVAP), an ambitious roadmap to ensure equitable and optimal protection of Europe’s population from vaccine-preventable diseases. The Plan was adopted on 17 September 2014 by the 64th session of the WHO Regional Committee for Europe.

Through adoption of EVAP, Member States pledged to step up their efforts and political commitment to:

  • sustain polio-free status;
  • eliminate measles and rubella;
  • control hepatitis B infection;
  • meet regional vaccination coverage targets at all administrative levels throughout the Region;
  • make evidence-based decisions about the introduction of new vaccines; and
  • achieve financial sustainability of national immunization programmes.

EVAP outlines a path to achieve these goals in the form of defined objectives, priority action areas and a framework to evaluate and monitor progress. The Plan also proposes innovative strategies to increase the demand for and supply of vaccines, such as tailored immunization programming, online immunization registries and monitoring of public attitudes toward immunization. Evidence-based decision-making on immunization may also be enhanced by strengthening the role of national technical advisory groups.

WHO/Europe provides technical support to Member States to ensure full implementation of the Plan.

Alignment with guiding principles and policies

EVAP is a regional interpretation of the Global Vaccine Action Plan that addresses the specific needs and challenges related to immunization in the WHO European Region. It is aligned with Health 2020 and other key regional health strategies and polices, and was formulated through a consultative process involving Member States, partners and the European Technical Advisory Group of Experts on Immunization before submission to the 64th session of the Regional Committee for Europe.