20th meeting of the European Technical Advisory Group of Experts on Immunization (‎‎‎ETAGE) (2020)




‎‎‎Virtual meeting, hosted in Copenhagen, Denmark, 11-12 November 2020

The 20th meeting of the European Technical Advisory Group of Experts on Immunization (ETAGE) took place virtually on 11 and 12 November 2020 to review and discuss immunization activities and developments in the WHO European Region and provide advice to the WHO Regional Office for Europe on appropriate activities.

Advice and guidance from ETAGE were sought on the regionalization of the WHO SAGE Roadmap for prioritizing population groups for vaccines against COVID-19 based on available information and published preliminary recommendations of selected national immunization technical advisory groups (NITAG) in the Region. Guidance was also sought on regional focus areas for the European Immunization Agenda 2030 based on national priorities identified by the national immunization programmes.

Planned support for NITAGs in lower- and upper middle-income countries in developing national strategies for deployment of COVID-19 vaccine and vaccination was also discussed.