TEACH-VIP Evaluation

Instructions for use of TEACH-VIP documentation materials

The documentation materials that are included with the TEACH-VIP training materials consist of 5 questionnaires provided in Microsoft Word format on the CD-ROM. Three are located in the folder entitled 'Student evaluation' and are to be administered to students by trainers. These are:

  • Intake questionnaire.doc - to be administered to students on the first day of their first TEACH-VIP lesson before they receive any instruction.
  • Lesson evaluation questionnaire.doc - to be administered to students on the last day of their final TEACH-VIP lesson.
  • 6-month follow-up questionnaire.doc - to be sent via either email or regular post to the coordinates students provide in response to the first question of Intake questionnaire.doc approximately 6 months after the TEACH-VIP lessons have been completed.

The other 2 questionnaires are meant for trainers or course coordinators. They are located in the folder entitled 'Trainer evaluation and institutional reporting form' and are entitled:

  • Trainer questionnaire.doc - to be completed by each trainer who has participated in giving TEACH-VIP lessons.
  • Institutional reporting form.doc - to be completed by TEACH-VIP course coordinators upon the conclusion of the TEACH-VIP lessons.

Note that this form also asks course coordinators to prepare a brief report of approximately 2 pages that should be prepared as a separate file and subsequently uploaded to the Web (course coordinators can upload this file while online entering data for the institutional reporting form).
WHO encourages users of the TEACH-VIP training materials to evaluate the training. An online data entry mechanism has been established to provide settings with a means to make their data and experiences available to WHO and other users of TEACH-VIP. This kind of feedback will be very helpful to WHO to modify the TEACH-VIP materials in the future. For those who are interested in uploading their evaluation data and viewing experiences of other settings with the materials, please visit the capacity building website of WHO's Department of Injury and Violence Prevention in order to receive a username and password to allow access to the service that allows users to upload their evaluation data and view the experiences in other settings. The website may be accessed here.