About the initiative

Specific objectives

  • To develop capacity, assess the risks and develop national or subnational health adaptation strategies
  • To build institutional capacity on climate change in relation to extreme weather events preparedness and response; infectious disease surveillance and response; respiratory diseases early detection and response; water, food safety and malnutrition
  • To foster innovation in energy efficiency and the use of renewable energy for health services
  • To provide intelligence and facilitate the exchange of knowledge and experiences on effective adaptation and mitigation measures.

Key features

  • Addressing adaptation to climate change
    This initiative addresses the reduction of vulnerability of populations and countries, increases adaptive capacity of health systems and countries, includes the improvement of disaster preparedness and response, early detection of diseases and develops appropriate climate change related policies to protect population health and the environment.
    The project identifies vulnerable areas and population groups to target specific interventions.
  • Innovative character: institutional innovation
    Country activities will bring together multisectoral teams (e.g. health, development, transport, trade, energy). This approach will ensure that climate change adaptation is mainstreamed to the development priorities as well as through health and health systems programs of the participating countries and their existing national strategies.
  • Multiplier effect
    By showing the multiple benefits of greenhouse gases reduction policies, the health sector can strengthen its capacity to engage and work with other sectors and to identify “selling points” to support the implementation of such policies. This would benefit populations, health systems, ministries of health and environment, and governments, whose well-being is threatened by climate change.