Overview of activities

All participating countries will implement joint activities aimed at strengthening health systems by:

  • building capacity through national training workshops and stakeholders involvement;
  • carrying out national impact, vulnerability and adaptation assessment;
  • developing adaptation plans or specific health systems adaptation plans.

In addition, based on the needs and priorities identified during the preparation of the project, country-specific actions include:

  • development of heat-health action plans (in the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia);
  • water treatment cost-effective technology for hospitals (in Tajikistan);
  • improved air quality and respiratory disease management (in Uzbekistan);
  • energy efficient health services through the pilot testing of installation of solar energy in some hospitals (in Kyrgyzstan and in the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia);
  • make hospitals safe in emergencies;
  • safety of health facilities, emergency medical services and early warning (in Albania); and
  • contingency planning for basic health services in a permafrost melting affected area (in the Russian Federation).