
Tajikistan is one of the poorest countries in the world. Climate change is expected to cause temperature increases, reduction of precipitation in specific regions, increase of precipitation in others, reduction in ice cover and changes in hydrological cycles, bringing for example an increase in drought, mudflows, landslides, glacier lake outbreak floods, avalanches.

These already contribute to increased mortality and morbidity from natural disasters and extreme events. Potential associated risks include food insecurity and poor nutrition, deterioration of drinking water quality and quantity and damage to health system infrastructure.

Project country-specific activities to protect health from climate change

  • Assess health impact, vulnerability and health system adaptation
  • Develop a national health adaptation strategy
  • Integration of climate change impact (environmental) early warning system in at most risk pilot areas
  • Improve water security for health care institutions and small scale water system through implementation of water safety plans and cost-effective technologies
  • Strengthen health system responses and capacity for emergencies related to extreme weather events.

Contacts: Dr Safo Kalandarov, National Professional Officer, email: safojon.who@tajnet.tj