Environmentally sustainable health systems. Meeting report. 11-12 November 2015, Bonn, Germany



The WHO Regional Office for Europe supports Member States' efforts towards environmentally sustainable health systems (ESHS). 

Participants nominated by Member States, external experts and WHO staff met in Bonn, Germany, on 11-12 November 2015, to discuss the main elements of a strategic approach towards ESHS. 

The discussions were supported by a discussion draft elaborated by the WHO Regional Office for Europe, as well as an evidence summary, case studies and presentations from experts. Country participants presented a great variety of national examples of environmental sustainability actions in health systems and highlighted their willingness to share information on these and other existing case studies. The participants highlighted the importance of ESHS and the relevance and timeliness of the draft strategic document. 

This draft will be further reviewed to incorporate inputs from Member States, with a view to use it as a basis for including the topic of ESHS it in the relevant policy processes, particularly the next Environment and Health Ministerial Conference, in 2017, and the Regional Committee in the same year. The WHO Regional Office for Europe will support this process with evidence, and act as convener in collaboration with Member States.