Tirana, Albania, 16-17 November 2015
WHO/Europe 2010: progress towards full ownership of the SEEHN, the main reforms currently under way in the area of public health services; preparations for the 3rd Ministerial Forum of Ministers of Health of SEE in 2011
WHO/Europe, 2009: progress towards full ownership of the SEE Health Network by the countries of southeastern Europe, and development of further activities of the SEEHN
WHO/Europe, 2008: progress towards full ownership by the countries of the regional cooperation in public health and regional efforts to reform public health services
WHO/Europe, 2008: review of mechanisms for transferring and sustaining regional ownership of SEEHN and establishing its secretariat in the Region
WHO/Europe, 2007: health diplomacy as a tool for peace, ministerial declarations on mental health and communicable disease surveillance
WHO/Europe, 2008: approval of the Network’s position on European Commission paper on health in Europe, finalization of two ministerial declarations on long-term collaboration in mental health and communicable disease surveillance in SEE, and the future of the Secretariat beyond 2007
WHO/Europe, 2006: review of progress of the regional projects, initial drafting of two ministerial declarations on long-term cooperation in mental health and communicable disease and surveillance, approval of proposals for food safety and nutrition project and a new project on evaluation of public health services
WHO/Europe, 2006: review of progress after the second ministerial forum in Skopje, new regional projects on improving maternal and neonatal health
WHO/Europe, 2006: review of countries’ participation in the second ministerial forum, finalization of the Skopje Pledge, approval of the new Statutes of the SEE Health Network
WHO/Europe, 2006: review of preparations for second ministerial forum; review of publication on health and economic development
WHO/Europe, 2007: report on a workshop on the development of clinical guidelines
WHO/Europe, 2006: decision to continue the regional cooperation for health, health system strengthening and economic development and to further consolidate SEEHN at regional level