Professor Adam Finn, Chair

Professor Finn worked for 10 years as Senior Lecturer at the University of Sheffield, United Kingdom, before joining the University of Bristol as Professor of Paediatrics and lead of the Bristol Children’s Vaccine Centre. He also leads the Women’s and Children’s Division of the West of England National Institute for Health Research Clinical Research Network.

He is an honorary consultant in paediatric immunology and infectious diseases at Bristol Royal Hospital for Children, President of the European Society for Paediatric Infectious Diseases and a member of the United Kingdom Department of Health Joint Committee on Vaccines and Immunisation.

Professor Finn's main research interests relate to elucidation of the nature of naturally acquired mucosal immunity to pneumococcus, meningococcus and other respiratory bacteria and development of tools to assess transmission of viral and bacterial infections and the mechanisms of vaccine-induced herd immunity. He also leads and supports clinical trials of vaccines and medicines in children.