Professor Federico Martinón-Torres

Born in Orense, Spain, Professor Martinón-Torres currently is head of Pediatrics and Director of Translational Pediatrics and Infectious Diseases at the Hospital Clínico Universitario de Santiago, Spain (USC), Associate professor in Pediatrics (USC) and Academic of the Royal Academy of Medicine and Surgery of Galicia.

Professor Martinón-Torres' main research interests are vaccines, meningococcal disease, rotavirus, pneumococcal disease, HPV and bronchiolitis/RSV. He is involved in +30 ongoing trials and research projects including 2 FP7 (EUCLIDS and PREPARE), 3 H2020 (PoC-ID, PERFORM and ZIKAction) and 2 IMI-2 (RESCEU and C4C) projects. Member of ReSViNET (, and more than 15 consultative and expert advisory boards on pneumococcal disease (, meningococcal disease ( /, heliox, rotavirus, flu and human papillomavirus, and over 20 professional and academic international societies. He currently coordinates the Spanish Network of Pediatric Clinical Trials (RECLIP,, co-coordinates the Translational Research Network in Infectious Diseases (RITIP,, and the Genetics, Vaccines, Infecctions and Pediatrics Research Group (GENVIP, of the Healthcare Research Institute of Santiago (IDIS) among other clinical networks. He currently coordinates the WHO collaborating centre in vaccine safety of Santiago de Compostela (Spain).