Roles and Responsibilities of ETAGE Members

  • Members of ETAGE have a responsibility to provide WHO Regional Office for Europe with high quality, well considered advice and recommendations on matters described in the ETAGE terms of reference. Members play a critical role in ensuring the reputation of ETAGE as a regionally recognized advisory group in the field of immunization. In keeping with ETAGE’s mandate to provide strategic advice (rather than technical input), members will be committed to the development and improvement of public health policies.
  • ETAGE has no executive or regulatory function. Its role is solely to provide advice and recommendations to the Regional Director of WHO Regional Office for Europe, and includes providing advice and recommendations on urgent matters as needed.
  • ETAGE members serve in a personal and individual capacity and thus shall not seek or accept instructions regarding the services performed from any government or from any authority external to the Organization. ETAGE members are not representative of any government, agency, company or any other entity.
  • ETAGE members may be approached by non-WHO sources for their views, comments and statements on particular matters of public health and asked to state the views of ETAGE. ETAGE members shall refer such enquiries to WHO Regional Office for Europe, with exception for the ETAGE recommendations that are already made available to public.