GAVI Alliance

The GAVI Alliance is a broad partnership supporting immunization systems, providing a great opportunity for certain countries in the WHO European Region to benefit from support to accelerate the implementation of new and underused vaccines and strengthen existing national immunization programmes, in line with regional goals.

On the basis of each country’s needs, technical support is organized to review the national immunization programme, assess the cold-chain and logistics status and develop a multiyear plan.

Currently available GAVI support includes: Immunization Services Support (ISS), New Vaccine Introduction (NVI) Support, Civil Society Organization (CSO) Support and Health System Strengthening (HSS) Support.

The support from the GAVI Alliance is intended to be one-time catalytic funding over a specified grant period. Once the grant period ends, the countries are expected to mobilize domestic and/or external financing to cover the costs of sustaining the initial investments in immunization system-strengthening activities.

European Regional Working Group for GAVI

The European Regional Working Group for GAVI (RWG) strengthens the coordination of activities and exchange of information related to vaccines and immunization.

The RWG was established in 2001 and comprises representatives from WHO, the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), the World Bank, the Children’s Vaccine Program at the Program for Appropriate Technologies in Health (CVP/PATH), the Viral Hepatitis Prevention Board, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), the Vaccine Fund, the GAVI secretariat and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in the United States.

Its primary functions are:

  • to coordinate support and activities of GAVI partners;
  • to ensure timely and appropriate technical and financial support to countries;
  • to identify the needs for strengthening immunization services and the capacities for introducing new vaccines;
  • to strengthen national interagency immunization coordination committees; and
  • to provide input to the Regional Interagency Immunization Coordination Committee.