Regional launch of EIW 2008

To celebrate the third European Immunization Week, Dr Marc Danzon, WHO Regional Director for Europe, hosted Her Royal Highness (HRH) Crown Princess Mary of Denmark in Ljubljana, Slovenia, on 23 April 2008 at a launching ceremony on behalf of all participating countries. Together with the First Lady of Slovenia, Mrs Barbara Miklic Turk, and the Director, Division of Health Programmes at the Regional Office, Dr Nedret Emiroglu, they visited the National Institute of Public Health and the Siska Unit Primary Health Care Centre in Ljubljana, to observe the implementation of the Slovenian immunization programme.

The Centre’s health staff, headed by Dr Milena Kovac Blaz, guided Crown Princess Mary and Dr Danzon through the routine vaccination programme. They observed a group of schoolchildren receiving their third dose of Hepatitis B vaccine and babies having their check-ups and vaccinations. Interacting with the children at the Centre, the Crown Princess eased their fear of vaccination.

A new immunization web site was also demonstrated at the Centre, and the visiting patients welcomed the clarity provided by this new public information forum.

The official launch event took place at Ljubljana Castle, overlooking the capital. Addressing members of the diplomatic corps, health professionals and the mass media, the speakers covered the importance of immunization in the WHO European Region, the example of the immunization programme in Slovenia, and European Immunization Week. The Crown Princess expressed her support for immunization and encouraged Member States to “act quickly and effectively” to guarantee access to immunization and other basic health care.

“No child should suffer from illness, a lifelong disability or die from vaccine-preventable diseases. It is the right of every child to grow up healthy, and to be vaccinated against these diseases, which can so easily be controlled. The importance of immunization cannot be underestimated,” she said.  

Dr Danzon stressed the successes achieved through immunization, such as the eradication of smallpox worldwide and the elimination of poliomyelitis in the Region. He also reminded the audience that, unfortunately, immunization seems to have become a victim of its success. Since people do not remember the tragic consequences of vaccine-preventable diseases, they sometimes fear the vaccine more than the disease. Thus, it is important to maintain the struggle against infectious diseases, with immunization being a primary tool. This benefits everyone, as immunized people protect not only their own health but also that of others.

Dr Danzon and Crown Princess Mary encouraged Member States to continue their work to strengthen immunization systems in the Region, and to take part in the next European Immunization Week.