European Immunization Week 2014

Immunization for life

European Immunization Week 2014 celebrated immunization across the life course from babyhood to old age. Activities organized at national and local level throughout the European Region raised awareness among health care workers, policy-makers, parents, grandparents and other individuals of the benefits of full immunization.

Vaccination for all

Recent outbreaks of infectious diseases have demonstrated a disturbing trend of so-called "childhood diseases" also affecting teenagers and young adults, sometimes with severe consequences. Maintaining full protection throughout the life-course and throughout the population means closing persistent gaps in immunization coverage, ensuring people get the boosters required in adulthood and ensuring that vulnerable populations receive the seasonal influenza vaccine.

The broad impact of EIW was especially important this year, as a key stepping stone toward achievement of the Region's priority goals of eliminating measles and rubella by 2015 and maintaining polio-free status.

At regional level WHO/Europe launched various information resources to help Member States address barriers to increased vaccination uptake among both children and adults.

World Immunization Week (WIW) 2014

As in 2013, EIW took place in tandem with World Immunization Week (WIW). The focus of WIW 2014 was "Are you up to date?" looking at public education about vaccination. Core campaign products included posters to be adapted to local languages and an interactive website where users can look at the range of vaccines from infancy to old age. EIW events were automatically also a part of WIW.