WHO Epidemiological Brief 4: Tajikistan polio outbreak and regional response



As of 1 August 2010, Tajikistan had reported 452 laboratory-confirmed cases of wild poliovirus type 1, with 20 deaths (4.4%). The latest confirmed poliomyelitis (polio) cases had disease onset on 4 July 2010. Seven cases had been laboratory confirmed for wild poliovirus type 1 in the Russian Federation.

Kyrgyzstan conducted its first round of national immunization days (NIDs) on 19–23 July. In total, 630 598 children under the age of 5 were immunized: 98% coverage of the target population. Four rounds of NIDs were held in Tajikistan and three in Uzbekistan. Both countries reported extremely high coverage, which independent monitors confirmed. In Turkmenistan, the first round of NIDs was conducted on 12–18 July, targeting all children aged 0–5 years.