WHO Epidemiological Brief 12: Importation of Wild Poliovirus and Response Measures in the European Region




As of 7 February 2011, Tajikistan had not reported an AFP case with onset in 2011.  In 2010, Tajikistan reported 712 AFP cases of which 458 were laboratory confirmed for wild poliovirus type 1, including 29 deaths. The last confirmed polio case in Tajikistan had a date of onset of 4 July. Since 1 January 2010, the Russian Federation had reported 14 poliomyelitis (polio) cases; Turkmenistan 3 cases, and Kazakhstan 1 case. 

National immunization days (NIDs) were conducted in Tajikistan (6 rounds), Uzbekistan (4 rounds), Turkmenistan (3 rounds), Kyrgyzstan (2 rounds) and Kazakhstan (1 round).  Sub-national supplementary immunization activities (SIAs) were conducted in Kazakhstan and the Russian Federation over November and December 2010.  Reported coverage is extremely high in all countries.