WHO Epidemiological Brief 15: Mealses outbreaks and response to importation of wild poliovirus



Measles outbreaks continue

By the end of April 2011, the Region had reported more than 11 000 confirmed cases of measles. Over 75% of these cases are not immunized against measles. While western Europe is particularly affected by outbreaks, it is clear that the problem of measles outbreaks is not confined to any specific country or subregion.

Response to importation of wild poliovirus

Genetic analysis of the virus that caused the 2010 polio outbreak in Tajikistan and neighbouring countries has shed light on the possible origin and date of introduction, namely an importation of WPV1 of a South Asia (SOAS) genotype, which most likely occurred in late 2009 or early 2010. As part of the continued response to the outbreak, seven Member States have synchronized their supplementary immunization activities (SIAs). These campaigns have resulted in 15 rounds of polio immunization (mOPV and tOPV) and targeted more than 18 million children.

Note: Pages 5-8 contain tables showing data by Member State for polio, measles and rubella.