WHO Epidemiological Brief 17: Measles outbreaks, rubella surveillance, AFP surveillance, regional polio-free status and invasive bacterial disease surveillance



Measles outbreaks 

In July, 16 countries reported 314 measles cases. Over 50% of the cases were reported by Spain and Italy, 115 and 69 cases respectively. A total of 25 804 measles cases were reported January – July 2011. 

Rubella surveillance

Of the 120 confirmed cases of rubella reported from 38 Member States between January – July 2011, 48 cases were reported in Georgia, 33 in Bulgaria and 20 in Uzbekistan. 

Acute flaccid paralysis surveillance and regional polio‐free status

Of the 42 Member States implementing AFP surveillance in the WHO European Region, 24 Member States report lower non‐polio AFP rates in 2011 than in 2010. On August 24, the European Regional Certification Commission for Poliomyelitis Eradication announced that the Region’s polio‐free status has been retained thanks to the successful interruption of polio transmission. The WHO Regional Office for Europe is conducting a detailed risk assessment with countries to assess the potential for spread of an outbreak of polio (4 confirmed cases) in The People’s Republic of China into the WHO European Region.

Invasive bacterial disease surveillance 

A total 244 cases of suspected meningitis were identified by the three sentinel surveillance sites for bacterial meningitis in the Region in 2010. Of the 119 cases that were determined to be likely of bacterial origin, Streptococcus pneumoniae was identified in 9 (8%), Haemophilus influenzae type b in 7(6%) and Neisseria meningitidis in 23(19%).