WHO Epidemiological Brief 24: Measles and rubella update, AFP surveillance review in Kyrgyzstan



Measles and rubella in the Region
Surveillance data from the first three months of 2012 indicates that the European Region faces another year of severe measles burden. While some countries report a decrease in measles cases, other countries are experiencing outbreaks. The largest outbreak continues in Ukraine. Romania continues to face a serious rubella outbreak, with more than 10 000 cases reported in the first quarter of 2012.

AFP surveillance review in Kyrgyzstan
The Regional Certification Commission (RCC) for Poliomyelitis Eradication recommended an assessment of Kyrgyzstan’s AFP surveillance system, which was carried out by international experts on 16‐20 April 2012. The experts determined that the existing AFP surveillance system is able to detect a poliomyelitis outbreak but may not be able to do so in a timely manner in all oblasts.